☁ The Feminist Wire published Desiree Adaway’s  great essay about white women consumption of black women’s pain, or racist feminist cannibalism.
☁ Kyary Pamyu Pamyu makes a great Betty Boop.
☁ Tenure’s demise in Wisconsin is disgraceful.

☁ Cecile Emeke has expanded her Strolling series to Italy.
☁ The Moonlight Memory Crisis Moon Compact is coming soon, which means Proplica is going to make more stuff to match!!!
☁ We can’t fuck up Mars lol. More here. #spacebabelooks
☁ Speaking of space babes, Margaret Hamilton is finally getting her due.

☁ Looking forward to Sanjay’s Super Team!
☁ A profile on Warsan Shire.
☁ How damaging is the Model Minority myth when it prevents even its victims from remembering violence?
☁ Why passive voice can be silencing, not just bad grammar.
☁ James Turrell still has pretty exhibitions.
☁ James Turrell acknowledges Drake.
☁ How cis black women perpetuate transmisognyny and violence against trans black women.

Have a great week!